04.01.2025, 09:03 17341

Reforms and innovations in 2025: Ministry of Healthcare

The One Day Clinic project is being scaled up across the country

The experience of the regions where the One Day Clinic project was introduced in pilot mode will be extended to the whole of Kazakhstan. Its implementation has made it possible to ensure the availability of innovative methods of prenatal diagnostics for pregnant women and timely detection of the risk of giving birth to a child with congenital malformations and chromosomal pathology. High quality of services and methods of prenatal diagnostics and obtaining the results of the examination was carried out according to the principle of ‘one window’ within one day. To date, more than 35,000 women have taken advantage of this opportunity, primeminister.kz reports.

In addition, for the first time in Kazakhstan, the Fetal Medicine project has been implemented. This is a completely new direction in the national health-care system. It makes it possible to correct and treat early pathological conditions of the foetus using minimally invasive procedures. To date, 20 intrauterine surgeries have been performed. From 1 January 2025, this project will be implemented throughout the country.

Sanitary books and medical certificates will be digitised

Starting from the new year, the issuance, accounting and maintenance of personal medical books will be transferred to the electronic format. The introduction of this mechanism will allow citizens to provide the document in several organisations at once, which will save them time and money. Today, about 1.6 million Kazakhstani citizens have sanitary books.

Changes have also affected the issuance of other medical documents. For the convenience of citizens it is also planned to transfer from paper to electronic format:

  • Sick leave;
  • 075/u Medical certificate;
  • 026/u Conclusion of HCC;
  • 073/u Certificate of admission to driving a motor vehicle;
  • 069/u Sanatorium-resort card;
  • 052-2/u Child's health passport’; 052-2/u ‘Child's health passport;
  • 076/u Obtaining a weapon licence;
  • 038/u Certificate of temporary incapacity for work.

For this purpose, work is currently under way to integrate information systems. Documents will be transferred to third parties only with the consent of citizens using the eGov mobile application, which has access to medical data in the eDensaulyq section.

In addition, from the new year, informed consent or refusal to vaccinate a child will also be registered electronically. The algorithm of actions will change only if a vaccinated patient complains about complications after vaccination. In medical language, this is called adverse effects after immunisation. The doctor will b

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