30.01.2024, 11:25 38366

Water resources management system development concept presented at Government

Water resources management system development concept presented at Government
At today’s Government meeting Kazakh Water Resources and Irrigation Minister Nurzhan Nurzhigitov presented the draft Water Resources Management System Development Concept for 2024-2030, Kazinform News Agency reports.

The concept includes a package of immediate measures for the construction of 20 new water reservoirs, reconstruction of 15 reservoirs and over 14,000 km of irrigation channels, and modernization of waterworks to provide the country’s water security and reduce water scarcity.

The action plan will help increase irrigable lands to 2.5 million hectares by 2030 and existing water resources by 2.4 cubic meters.

The concept also provides for the digitalization of more than 3,500 km of channels and the automation of water accounting at irrigation projects. The information and analytical centre will be set up to develop the country’s water potential accounting and forecasting system and improve the water resources information management system. Besides, the Ministry and Kazakhstan Garysh Sapary will develop an interactive geoinformation water resources platform.

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