18.07.2012, 19:58 17415

15y/o girl shot in the head in Semey

According to police, the girl most likely was shot with pneumatics. As for her, she feels good now.

Semei. July 18. Kazakhstan Today - A man, whose identity is currently being established, shot a 15-year-old girl in the head, Kazakhstan Today reports.

Anastasia Kazakova, along with her friend was standing near the garage. The girls were photographing, and suddenly they saw a man. First, he shouted, and then pulled out a gun and turned it on them. They could not escape, KTK TV-channel informs.

"When she was shot, I immediately heard the sound and immediately realized that it was a shot, he reloaded the gun two more times. This is a chairman of the garage, well, who knows my dad," the friend of the injured girl, Lera Ponomareva said.

The girls say that they could be mistaken in his identification, as they already told the police. In the police department reported that the identity of the shooter is now being established. A criminal case is initiated.

"Appointed forensic examinations for clarifying and identifying the cause of the shot and whether it was a shot. This still questionable", Mirat Enikeev, the Head of Information Department of Internal Affairs of Semei said.

According to police, the girl most likely was shot with pneumatics. As for her, she feels good now.

"The police told me, if a meter closer or a centimeter lower, that would be the end. She would not be here anymore", Julia Kazakova, the injured girl's mother said.

Nastya's relatives insist on a thorough investigation of this crime and have already prepared a letter to the prosecutor and police chief of the oblast.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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