04.03.2010, 16:44 3282

350 buildings in Kyrgyzstan damaged as a result of Tuesday's earthquake

351 buildings have been damaged in the Kochkor region of the Naryn area of Kyrgyzstan as a result of the earthquake occurred on March 2, the agency reports citing a source in the Ministry of Emergency of Kyrgyzstan.

Bishkek. March 4. Kazakhstan Today - 351 buildings have been damaged in the Kochkor region of the Naryn area of Kyrgyzstan as a result of the earthquake occurred on March 2, the agency reports citing a source in the Ministry of Emergency of Kyrgyzstan.

According to the source, on March 2, the Ministry of Emergency created the special commission, which studied the character and seriousness of damage to the buildings. "At present, it is known that not only apartment houses, but also office buildings have been damaged."

As informed earlier, two earthquakes occurred in Kyrgyzstan on March 2. The first 6-magnitude earthquake occurred at 07.55 in the north of Kyrgyzstan. The epicenter was in 100 kilometers to the southeast from Bishkek, in Kochkor village.

The second earthquake was in the Naryn area of Kyrgyzstan. The earthquake in the epicenter reached 4 points. The seismic centre was in 100 kilometers to the southeast from Bishkek and in 20 kilometers to the west from Kochkor village.

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