24.01.2024, 19:45 52311

44 facilities develop cracks after earthquake in Almaty region

44 facilities develop cracks after earthquake in Almaty region
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44 education, health, and social and cultural facilities sustained cracks in the aftermath of a strong quake hit the region, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

As a result of the inspection of the vital and socially significant facilities in Almaty region, cracks were discovered at 44 facilities, including 11 facilities in Uighur district, 14 facilities in Yenbekshikazakh district, 3 facilities in Talgar district, 4 in Kegen district, 2 in Zhambyl district, 3 in Raiymbek district, 3 in Ili district, and 4 in Karasai district.

Some residences also showed cracks in Almaty due to the earthquake.

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