25.04.2022, 11:15 52141

5 villages hit by floods in Turkestan region

5 villages hit by floods in Turkestan region
Images | Kazinform
Over 50 homes have been flooded as heavy rains hit Turkestan region. 200 heads of cattle were swept away, the emergency situations department of Turkestan region reports. The emergency situations and specialized bodies arrived at the flood-affected rural settlements of Kakpak, Sarapkhana, Shanak, Kyzylkiya and Karabau. A s of April 24, people were evacuated in Shanak village to a safer place, the akimat of Kazygurt district reports. 400 heads of cattle died in Sarapkhana and Kakpak villages. 15 homes were flooded in Karabu, and 12 in Kyzylsengir. People start pumping water out of their homes. The Governor charged to promptly start repair works and estimate damage costs, it said in a statement.
Source: Kazinform
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