03.08.2010, 16:30 3628

779 thousand tons of oil spilled in Gulf of Mexico waters

About 4.9 million barrels of oil, or about 779 thousand tons have been spilled in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. A group of experts of a number of profile departments of the American government, including the Department of Energy and the Geological Service created for making such calculations informed on Monday evening, the agency reports citing the information portal NEWSru.

Almaty. August 3. Kazakhstan Today - About 4.9 million barrels of oil, or about 779 thousand tons have been spilled in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. A group of experts of a number of profile departments of the American government, including the Department of Energy and the Geological Service created for making such calculations informed on Monday evening, the agency reports citing the information portal NEWSru.

According to the portal, the American government experts changed the data towards increase of quantity of oil being spilled to the Gulf of Mexico waters as a result of the accident of the British Petroleum (BP) exploded oil rig. Now, we can suppose that about 4.9 million barrels, or 205.8 million gallons, or about 779 thousand tons of oil have been spilled in the Gulf of Mexico waters.

Thus, if these conclusions of the US Administration prove to be true, this oil leak from the oil rig Makondo, which began after the explosion on the rig platform on April 20, will be the largest in the history of mankind.

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