19.04.2022, 12:00 42411

Caspian Pipeline Consortium damage costs KZT 100-150 bln, Kazakh Ministry

Caspian Pipeline Consortium damage costs KZT 100-150 bln, Kazakh Ministry
Images | cpc.ru
"The Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) damage cost is estimated at KZT 100-150 bln," Kazakh Deputy PM-Finance Minister Yerulan Zhamaubayev said.

There are no precise damage cost estimates yet as all depends on the length of repair works and whether there will be any sanctions or not. The damage caused by the failure at the Caspian Pipeline Consortium to Kazakhstan is estimated between KZT 100-150 bln," the Minister told journalists following the Government meeting.

As earlier reported, loading facilities at the Novorossiysk sea terminal had been damaged as a result of the storm halting Kazakhstan’s CPC oil exports. Commenting on the situation the Kazakh Minister announced the worst-case scenario.
Source: Kazinform
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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