05.03.2010, 10:46 2974

Chile hit a new earthquake

Chile has been hit by a new 6.3-magnitude earthquake, the agency reports citing RIA RosBusinessConsulting (RBC).

Almaty. March 5. Kazakhstan Today - Chile has been hit by a new 6.3-magnitude earthquake, the agency reports citing RIA RosBusinessConsulting (RBC).

According to the US National Geological Service, its epicenter was in 65 kilometers from the city Kalama in the north of the country. The seismic center was at the depth of 105.1 kilometers. There is no information about casualties or destructions.

There was 8.8-magnitude earthquake on February 27 in the country. After that, there were a number of repeated tremors. The damage has been estimated at $12 billion or $30 billion. Many countries of the world have sent humanitarian help to the Latin American state.

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