16.03.2010, 12:43 3571

Death toll of flood in Kyzylagash settlement reached 36 people

Death toll caused by the flood in the Kyzylagash settlement has reached 36 people. The senior inspector of the Almaty area Department of Internal Affairs press service, Kobeyhan Nurahmet, informed the agency.

Taldykorgan. March 16. Kazakhstan Today - Death toll caused by the flood in the Kyzylagash settlement has reached 36 people. The senior inspector of the Almaty area Department of Internal Affairs press service, Kobeyhan Nurahmet, informed the agency.

"The bodies of two juvenile girls were found today. As of today, there have been 36 victims: 8 men, 17 women and 11 children," K. Nurahmet informed.

"33 more people have been taken to hospital with various injuries."

"The employees of the Kyzylagash water basin have been interrogated. They explained that on the eve of the accident water was discharged manually from two sluices. One sluice was in a non-working condition," the senior inspector said.

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