09.08.2024, 17:52 97711

Four planes damaged by hail at Astana airport on Thursday

Four planes damaged by hail at Astana airport on Thursday
On August 8, due to a sudden hailstorm in Astana, four aircraft of the Air Astana airline were damaged, Kazinform News Agency reports.

Air Astana informed its passengers that the airline's flights might be delayed.

Heavy hailstorm occurred in Astana on August 8 may cause a delay in the flights. Currently, the airline recorded damage to four airplanes due to a storm. Engineering inspections and maintenance are underway, that may take several days," the statement said.

Recall that on August 5, 2024, the Astana airport operator damaged one of FlyArystan’s aircraft, which led to its forced downtime for several days. In particular, the aircraft's rear entrance door was damaged due to improper handling of the airport traps.

On August 1, an investigation was initiated following damage to the fuselage of a Boeing aircraft belonging to the Scat Airlines at the capital's airport.


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