15.02.2024, 11:55 44246

Gas cylinder explosion kills woman in Temirtau  

Gas cylinder explosion kills woman in Temirtau
Images | MES RK
A two-story shop collapsed and caught fire after a gas cylinder explosion in Temirtay, Karaganda region, Kazinform News Agency learned from the Ministry of Emergencies.

The incident, which occurred on Vatutin Street, was reported at 08:06 am. 40 rescuers and 10 specialized vehicles are involved in debris clearing and search work.

At 08:44 am, a woman was pulled alive from rubble. Her condition is being specified. She said a man remained trapped under the rubble.

At 09:49 am, a body of a woman was retrieved. The ambulance brigade confirmed her death. She was a shop assistant.

The injured woman, who was a customer, was rushed to a hospital.


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