26.01.2010, 12:24 3529

Haiti hit another 5.5-magnitude earthquake

Haiti was struck by another earthquake. It is classified as "moderate". Its magnitude was 5.5, the agency reports citing RosBusinessConsulting (RBC).

Almaty. January 26. Kazakhstan Today - Haiti was struck by another earthquake. It is classified as "moderate". Its magnitude was 5.5, the agency reports citing RosBusinessConsulting (RBC).

According to the US Geological Service, the earthquake epicenter was in 41 kilometers to the West from the capital of the island state - Port-au-Prince.

The capital of Haiti has been almost completely destroyed as a result of a series of destructive earthquakes occurred on January 13, 2010. According to all available information, 150 thousand people have become victims of the earthquake.

According to RBC, 5.4 and 5.0 - magnitude earthquakes under the Richter scale occurred on Monday in the southern part of the Pacific state Vanuatu.

According to the US Geological Service, the epicenter of the tremors of the first 5.4 magnitude earthquake was in 98 kilometers to the southeast from the capital Vanuatu - Port Vila. The seismic centre was at the depth of 15 kilometers.

The centre of the second 5.0 - magnitude earthquake was at the depth of 216 kilometers and the epicenter - in 200 kilometers from the city Port Vila.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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