19.06.2024, 20:58 11176

Huge fire engulfs reed beds in Ile Balkhash reserve

Huge fire engulfs reed beds in Ile Balkhash reserve
Images | Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Reed beds are burning on almost 3,000 ha of area in the Ile Balkhash reserve, Almaty region, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

According to the national company Kazakhstan Garysh Sapary, at 1:45pm on June 11, a call was received from the forestry on reed beds caught fire in marshy areas of the Ile Balkhash reserve, Almaty region.


The preliminary cause of the fire is a lightning strike. According to the emergency situations ministry, as of June 13, the area of fire was 30 ha. The first fire points were recorded at 11:15am on June 11, said the company.

As of today, according to space monitoring data, the area engulfed in fire stands at 2,794.79 ha.

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