18.02.2013, 15:30 10285

In Almaty region National Security Department building shelled

A local resident, born in 1982 was detained and gave a confession. According to the detainee, he fired a shotgun twice, being in a drunken state.

Taldykorgan. February 18. Kazakhstan Today - The Alakol district administrative building of the Department of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan in Almaty region was shelled, Kazakhstan Today reports.

The shots were aimed at the windows of the Department. In the shooting no one was injured, the building suffered minor damage.

A local resident, born in 1982 was detained and gave a confession. According to the detainee, he fired a shotgun twice, being in a drunken state. The detainee has insisted that he acted out of malicious motives. Currently, a team of investigators works at the site, the question of launching a criminal case is disputable.

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