05.06.2023, 11:46 21706

Kazakhstani tourist dies after drowning incident in Thailand

Kazakhstani tourist dies after drowning incident in Thailand
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A tourist from Kazakhstan Artur Iskakov died in a hospital in Thailand following the Kata Beach drowning incident, Kazinform reports.

His sister confirmed his untimely passing after Thai rescuers recovered his unconscious body from local waters. Iskakov fell into coma after the accident.

The 24-year-old Iskakov reportedly entered the sea despite the red flags indicating that swimming was prohibited in the area on the day of the accident.

Official spokesperson of the Kazakh Foreign Ministry Aibek Smadiyarov said Iskakov’s body will be repatriated to Kazakhstan after medical experts in Kazakhstan review and confirm medical assessments provided by Thai doctors.

In his words, the victim’s parents are in Phuket and are assisted by the Kazakhstani diplomats.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry also urged Kazakhstani tourists in Thailand not to ignore weather warnings and heed safety precautions issued by Thai authorities.

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