12.12.2019, 18:03 8290

Mi-28 military helicopter crashes in Russia's south - defense ministry

A Mi-28 attack helicopter has crashed in the Krasnodar region in Russia's south killing everyone on board.
A Mi-28 attack helicopter has crashed in the Krasnodar region in Russia's south killing everyone on board, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement released on Thursday.

On December 11, 2019, at around 11am Moscow time, a Mi-28 helicopter crashed when fulfilling a training flight in the dark in difficult meteorological conditions in the Krasnodar region near the Korenovsk aerodrome," the defense ministry said."A commission of High Command of the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces was dispatched to the crash site to investigate the reasons and circumstances of the incident," the ministry added.The defense ministry said that the helicopter's pilot and navigator died in the crash. According to TASS, the helicopter flight was carried out in difficult meteorological conditions. The defense ministry noted that the helicopter did not carry any ammunition during the flight.

 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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