13.07.2021, 17:08 28380

Murder of mother with children in Aksu: suspect detained

Earlier it was reported that the bodies of a woman and two children with knife wounds had been found in Aksu.
Aksu Police has detained a suspect in the murder of a woman and her minor children while carrying out operational-search measures "in hot pursuit".

As reported in Pavlodar region’s Police Department, material evidence and the instrument of the crime were seized.

During the investigation, the police found that the suspect knew the woman. On July 11, 2021, at about 03:00 a.m., they had a quarrel, in which the 36-year-old man inflicted multiple knife wounds on the 35-year-old woman.

Children woke up to the noise, and he stabbed them to death too.

The suspect was placed in the Aksu detention facility. Pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

Earlier it was reported that the bodies of a woman and two children with knife wounds had been found in Aksu.

Source: Kazpravda.kz

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