19.04.2011, 16:03 18451

Nuke plant starts pumping out radioactive water

Workers at Japan's quake-hit nuclear plant have begun removing highly radioactive water from the basement of a reactor building to on-site storage, Kazakhstan Today reports.

Almaty. April 19. Kazakhstan Today - Workers at Japan's quake-hit nuclear plant have begun removing highly radioactive water from the basement of a reactor building to on-site storage, Kazakhstan Today reports.

The operator of Japan's crippled nuclear plant has begun pumping highly radioactive water from the basement of one reactor's turbine building to a makeshift storage area - a key step in stabilizing the complex, the Associated Press reported.

Removing the 25,000 tons of contaminated water that has collected in the basement of Fukushima Dai-ichi's Unit 2 will allow access for workers trying to restore vital cooling systems that were knocked out during the March 11 tsunami that left more than 27,000 people dead or missing.

The step Tuesday was one of many in a lengthy process to resolve the crisis. Tokyo Electric Power Co. projected in a road map released over the weekend that would take up to nine months to reach a cold shutdown of the plant.

Photo: BBC News

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