19.04.2010, 12:42 3014

Number of victims of Chinese earthquake exceeded 1.1 thousand people

The number of victims of the earthquake, occurred in the Chinese Province Qinghai on April 14, 2010, has exceeded 1.1 thousand people, the agency reports citing RIA RosBusinessConsulting.

Almaty. April 19. Kazakhstan Today - The number of victims of the earthquake occurred in the Chinese Qinghai Prefecture on April 14, 2010, has exceeded 1.1 thousand people, the agency reports citing RIA RosBusinessConsulting.

"The earthquake's death toll continues to grow. As of today, 1 thousand and 144 people have been considered as victims and more than 11 thousand 477 people have been injured. 417 people are missing.

As informed earlier, the 6.9-7.1-magnitude earthquake occurred in the Yushu County of the Qinghai Prefecture in Northwest China on April 14.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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