31.05.2010, 17:16 6494

Oil in Gulf of Mexico to spill until August

Oil from the damaged oil well in the Gulf of Mexico will, probably, be spilling until August. The main adviser of the American President for Energy, Carol Browner, reports referring to information resource Vesti.

Almaty. May 31. Kazakhstan Today - Oil from the damaged oil well in the Gulf of Mexico will, probably, be spilling until August. The main adviser of the American President for Energy, Carol Browner, reports referring to information resource Vesti.

According to C. Browner, the American authorities are "prepared for the worst". Meanwhile, the American President, Barack Obama, named the last attempt of the British Petroleum to stop oil leak, which has been unsuccessful, "heart-breaking."

The company representatives informed that BP will make the next attempt to stop the leak in four days - this time with the help of underwater robots.

As informed earlier, the well blew out after an explosion a month ago on the offshore drilling rig Deepwater Horizon that killed 11 people. Oil began to spill from the damaged well. About 5 thousand barrels of oil is spilling daily into the Gulf of Mexico. The ecosystem of Alabama, Mississipi, Louisiana and Florida states has been caused a serious damage.

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