24.09.2021, 12:47 155156

Poisoning of children in pool was presumably due to breakdown of the water chlorination system

Poisoning of children in the pool was presumably due to a breakdown of the water chlorination system, said Sadvakas Baigabulov, deputy head of department of sanitary epidemiological control.

According to preliminary data of the investigation, according to a representative of the pool, a week ago, a new system for the chlorination of water was installed, which suddenly went out of order with the release of chlorine into the water of the pool. For laboratory research, water was taken from the pool for the content of residual chlorine and bacteriological research," he said.

In his words, 14 children who visited the synchronized swimming group on September 23, 11 children choking and coughing were taken by to the toxicology department of the city children's clinical hospital. The children's health is satisfactory, they are getting symptomatic treatment.

Source: KazTAG

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