Proceeding opens in Shymkent against last spokesman of Tokhtar Tuleshov
Astana. 19 January. Kazakhstan Today - In the specialized interdistrict criminal court of the Southern Kazakhstan, the proceedings opened against Ruslan Irgibayev who is accused of the criminal group participation headed by earlier convicted Tokhtar Tuleshov.
The Court where hearings of criminal case concerning Ruslan Irgibayev were allocated during the inquiry over "the beer king". The proceedings are not commented referring to its closeness and privacy. The Court refuses to name the articles under which Irgibayev is judjed. It is only known that the criminal case opened against him was suspended because of the suspect's disease.
According to the press service of military court Irgibayev is "one of trigger man from criminal group and he isn't among the main spokesman involved in criminal case."
Let's remind that the famous businessman, the owner of LLP Shymkentpivo Tokhtar Tuleshov was detained in January 30, 2016 in Shymkent. According to the inquiry, he had relations and deals with the international criminal group which he allegedly financially supported. During the detention of Tuleshov and other criminals, firearms, drugs and religious literature were found and withdrawn.
According to the inquiry, Tuleshov was accused of attempt of constitutional system ' violent change of Kazakhstan, creation and a management of extremist group. Besides,he was accused of the creation of transnational community, participation in it, financing of criminal group, storage and distribution of property, development of financing channels and gang violence.
In November 7, the specialized interdistrict military court on criminal cases announced a verdict concerning Tokhtar Tuleshov, having sentenced him to 21 year of imprisonment in the security penal colony with confiscation of property, and also to lifelong deprivation of the right to hold positions in commercial and public organizations.
Other spokesmen involved in resonant criminal case were sentenced to various periods of imprisonment. Among convicts there was also the businessman's son - Tulegen Tuleshov who was sentenced to five-year on probation. In total 25 attempted insurrection were before the court .
By the results of legal proceeding the personal and real property - about 40 cars, nine houses, jewelry and money, 30 horses and many other things from "the beer king" was withdrawn to the state's income.
After the sentencing the lawyers of convicts prepared petitions for appeal which have considered by appellate instance of Military court for one week. Eventually, the sentences concerning several convicts were changed in connection with application of the amnesty's act. The sentence concerning Tokhtar Tuleshov was changed, and the petition for appeal made by his lawyer was without satisfaction.
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