23.07.2018, 16:53 4661

Search for 7yo Almaty boy enters 10th day

"The helicopter has joined the search for the missing 7-year-old boy last seen on July 14 in the Almaty region.

The helicopter has joined the search for the missing 7-year-old boy last seen on July 14 in the Almaty region.

It's been circling above the highlands since 10:10 a.m. Unfortunately, rescue efforts come up empty so far. The search continues for the 10th day," official representative of the Kazakh emergency situations committee Ruslan Imankulov said.

As earlier reported, a group of children headed to the Kishi saz pastures above the Yntymak village on July 14. The youngest boy, born in 2011, a native of Almaty, reportedly went lost in the mountains.

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