29.03.2010, 14:44 3001

Second explosion thundered in Moscow underground

The second explosion thundered in the Moscow underground, the agency reports citing ITAR-TASS.

Almaty. March 29. Kazakhstan Today - The second explosion thundered in the Moscow underground, the agency reports citing ITAR-TASS.

According to ITAR-TASS, two explosions thundered in the Moscow underground - at the stations Lubyanka and Culture Park. There are many victims.

"25 people died at the Lubyanko station," Irina Andrianova, head of PR Department of the Emergency Ministry of Russia." 14 people died in the carriage of the train and 11 on the platform," she specified. 10 people have been injured.

12 people have been killed and 12 have been injured at the metro station Culture Park.

According to the preliminary version, it was an act of terrorism.

The criminal case has been instigated on the fact of explosion at the Lubyanka station.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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