21.12.2010, 13:08 2902

Seven people died in earthquake in Iran

Seven people died, hundreds more remain under blockages as a result of the strong earthquake occurred on Monday evening in the southeast of Iran. Three settlements have been completely destroyed, the agency reports citing Vesti.Ru.

Almaty. December 21. Kazakhstan Today - Seven people died, hundreds more remain under blockages as a result of the strong earthquake occurred on Monday evening in the southeast of Iran. Three settlements have been completely destroyed, the agency reports citing Vesti.Ru.

The 6.5 magnitude earthquake occurred in the province of Kerman near the settlement Hoseinabad at 22.12 local time (00.42 Astana time). According to IRNA, two repeated 4.3 and 3.9 magnitude tremors have been registered. Rescue groups have been sent to the disaster area.

The number of casualties may increase.

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