27.08.2021, 16:50 17746

Spontaneous combustion or arson could cause fire in Zhambyl region - Ministry of Defense

"The reasons for what happened are now being investigated by an investigative-operational group. We are studying various preliminary versions. Among them are violation of safety rules, spontaneous combustion, chemical reaction and deliberate arson," Yermekbayev said.
Spontaneous combustion, chemical reaction and arson have been named among possible reasons of fire in Zhambyl region, Nurlan Yermekbayev, Minister of Defense of Kazakhstan said.

The reasons for what happened are now being investigated by an investigative-operational group. We are studying various preliminary versions. Among them are violation of safety rules, spontaneous combustion, chemical reaction and deliberate arson," Yermekbayev said.

Source: KazTAG

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