07.06.2024, 12:47 61331

Stranger stabs pregnant woman in stomach in Shymkent

A horrifying incident occurred in Shymkent. A pregnant woman was transported to the city hospital No. 2 with a knife wound on 7 June at 11 p.m., Kazinform News Agency cites OTYRAR News Agency.

The victim is believed to be approximately 30 years old and was stabbed in the abdomen. The perpetrator is currently unknown. It is reported that the wound is not penetrating, and there is no immediate danger to the fetus.

According to OTYRAR News Agency, the woman was transported by ambulance and is currently conscious. Upon examination, it was determined that she was pregnant, though the gestational age is very small. She has undergone surgery and her condition is currently stable.

Hospital staff reportedly informed local police of the incident.

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