20.01.2020, 18:15 12245

The fourth in 24 hrs quake strikes C Asia

Kazakhstani seismologists registered the fourth quake within the last 24 hours in Central Asia.
Kazakhstani seismologists registered the fourth quake within the last 24 hours in Central Asia.
The network of seismic stations recorded the earthquake on January 20, 2020, at 13:33:32 p.m. The 4.2 magnitude quake was centered 355 km southwards Almaty in the territory of China. It occurred at a depth of 5 km.
As earlier reported, three quakes occurred in the territory of Almaty region and China. On January 19 the earthquake struck Almaty.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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