24.07.2013, 12:42 15698

The Kazakhstani victim was killed in a fight by neo-Nazis

Happy Bavarian festival in the small German town of Kaufboyron ended in tragedy. Seven residents of the East German Th?ringen, who came here to work, put up a fight in a pub, turning the death of our compatriot. According to German newspaper Suddeutsche, the bullies were neo-Nazis. The fight in the pub was between the visitors and guards.

Berlin. July 24. Kazakhstan Today - The Kazakhstani victim was killed in a fight by neo-Nazis, Kazakhstan Today reports.

"Happy Bavarian festival in the small German town of Kaufboyron ended in tragedy. Seven residents of the East German Thuringen, who came here to work, put up a fight in a pub, turning the death of our compatriot. According to German newspaper Suddeutsche, the bullies were neo-Nazis. The fight in the pub was between the visitors and guards," Express K newspaper reports.

The neo-Nazis provoked a fight with the emigrants, which resulted in several people having injured. The Kazakhstan citizen had nothing to do with the incident, but inquisitively followed the security officers who tried to separate the fighters. At this point, one of the neo-Nazis who shouted racist slogans, attacked our national and beat him. The victim was taken to the Kaufbeuren hospital, where he died a short time later. The assailant was detained by police, and later he was arrested on suspicion of manslaughter. Suddeutsche writes that the 36-year-old detainee was already known to law enforcement authorities as a person, "to use the signs of unconstitutional organizations". For example, last year during a folk festival he grappled with DJ after raising his arm in the Nazi salute and shouting "Heil Hitler!" But in spite of all these facts, the police can not claim that the attack was related to the origin of the victim, Time newspaper reported.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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