29.04.2021, 15:06 57761

Three-year-old child died in a park in Almaty

The tragedy took place in a park on the square near the Ascension Cathedral, where work is underway to improve the territory. The driver did not notice the child playing and hit him. The baby died on the spot from injuries before the ambulance arrived.
In Almaty, on the territory of the park named after 28 Panfilov guardsmen, a 3-year-old child was killed.

The tragedy took place in a park on the square near the Ascension Cathedral, where work is underway to improve the territory. The driver did not notice the child playing and hit him. The baby died on the spot from injuries before the ambulance arrived.

According to the police department, the fact was registered by the Police Department of the Medeu district under article 104 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Causing death by negligence).

“To our great regret, the injuries received by the three-year-old child turned out to be incompatible with life, he died. U., born in 1970, was driving the special equipment. An investigation was started,” the PD commented.

Source: Kazpravda.kz

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