28.05.2010, 11:47 2884

Vanuatu coast in Pacific Ocean hit 7.6 magnitude earthquake

The Vanuatu coast in the Pacific Ocean was hit by a 7.6 magnitude earthquake, the agency reports citing RIA RosBusinessConsulting (RBC).

Almaty. May 28. Kazakhstan Today - The Vanuatu coast in the Pacific Ocean was hit by a 7.6 magnitude earthquake, the agency reports citing RIA RosBusinessConsulting (RBC).

According to the US Geological Service, the earthquake's epicenter was in 217 kilometers to the northwest from the Vanuatu coast and its centre - at the depth of 20 kilometers.

The experts of the monitoring center of the Pacific Ocean informed that a similar earthquake may cause a destructive tsunami capable to result in a serious damage to the coast of the adjoining countries. According to the centre, in case of tsunami, a "wave-murderer" can reach the coast within several hours.

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