07.09.2020, 11:59 17617

American court issued new ruling vs. Khrapunovs

The damage caused to the state exceeds $ 250 million.
The U.S. court passed a new ruling against Ilyas and Viktor Khrapunovs, the statement of the Justice Ministry of Kazakhstan says.
According to the Ministry, on September 3, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York issued another ruling against Ilyas and Viktor Khrapunovs on the appointment of a fine for violation of the order of legal proceedings.

The judge came to the conclusion that the Khrapunovs violated legal obligations, deliberately destroyed evidence and gave false testimony," the message says.

The court also found that the Khrapunovs violated certain court orders, including the ban on the unauthorized dissemination of confidential testimony by Ilyas Khrapunov.

The decision of September 3 is a continuation in a series of court decisions on the appointment of a fine against the Khrapunovs and Ablyazov for misconduct and violation of the order of legal proceedings, issued in May 2020 and July 2019. This decision is the fifth in a row," the ministry said.

The final amount of the fine will be set after the plaintiffs submit the amount of the costs incurred.
The Flatotel trial in New York was initiated by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan (on behalf of the Almaty Akimat) jointly with BTA Bank JSC more than four years ago on charges of Ablyazov, Khrapunovs and their criminal accomplices in laundering stolen money.
Ablyazov stole billions of dollars from BTA by issuing fictitious loans, for which he was already convicted in Kazakhstan and found guilty by the courts of the United Kingdom.
It will be recalled that the Khrapunovs are accused of embezzlement of state property, fraud, abuse of office, accepting bribes and legalizing stolen property committed by organized crime groups.
The damage caused to the state exceeds $ 250 million.
Source: kazpravda.kz

 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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