06.06.2024, 21:05 45761

Cooperation between Libraries of Kazakhstan and Serbia Discussed in Belgrade

Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Serbia Madi Atamkulov met with Director of the National Library of Serbia Vladimir Pištalo, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

During the visit, the Kazakh diplomat informed about the work carried out by the Embassy to translate the works of Kazakh writers into Serbian, noting the importance of continuing this trend to familiarize Serbian readers with the rich spiritual heritage of Kazakhstan.

The two sides also discussed the possibility of creating a Center of Kazakh culture in Serbian libraries, which will allow the Serbian public to receive information about the culture, history, traditions and fiction of Kazakhstan. The parties also expressed interest in the implementation of joint programs and projects: seminars and exhibitions.

In turn, Vladimir Pištalo expressed his gratitude for the expansion of the fund of books of Kazakhstani writers in Serbian language and reported on the readiness to bring cooperation with the National Academic Library of Kazakhstan to a new level and sign a Memorandum of Cooperation in the near future.

At the end of the meeting the Embassy of Kazakhstan donated to the Library a collection of Kazakh folk tales in Serbian language, which was published in December 2023.

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