21.11.2023, 11:22 95636

Kazakh Foreign Minister Arrived in Hungary with an Official Visit

Kazakh Foreign Minister Arrived in Hungary with an Official Visit
Images | Kazakh MFA
Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Murat Nurtleu arrived in Hungary with an official visit, during which the 6th meeting of the Kazakh-Hungarian Strategic Council was held. The Hungarian side is co-chaired by Hungarian Finance Minister Mihály Varga, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

The sides discussed topical issues of bilateral relations in the political, trade, economic, investment, cultural and humanitarian spheres. Such spheres as energy, industry, transport and logistics, water management and innovation, agriculture, education and tourism have become "points of contact" of national interests.

The heads of delegations noted that the Kazakh-Hungarian cooperation in the trade and economic sphere is the main engine of the strategic partnership between the two countries. In this regard, the parties agreed on the need to effectively use the potential of the Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation and enhance interaction between the business circles of Kazakhstan and Hungary.

Kazakh Foreign Minister stressed the importance of implementing practical steps to expand the full range of cooperation between Astana and Budapest. "Our countries have no unresolved issues thanks to exceptionally close and trusting contacts at the political level, fruitful cooperation between business circles, as well as cultural and interpersonal ties," Murat Nurtleu said.

In turn, the head of the Hungarian delegation said that Hungary is a reliable partner of Kazakhstan in the European Union. "We support political and economic reforms in your country and are ready to further actively develop our successful partnership," Mihály Varga said.

The sides also discussed the practical implementation of the agreements reached during the visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to Kazakhstan. In particular, the parties reached agreements to join efforts in the implementation of major joint projects, diversification and increase mutual trade. Kazakhstan confirmed its intention to increase the range of export goods by 95 items in the amount of about 700 million US dollars.

According to the statistics of the Kazakh side, the trade turnover between Kazakhstan and Hungary in 2022 amounted to 172 million US dollars, and in 9 months of this year increased by 22% compared to the same period last year and amounted to 140 million dollars.

Representatives of the relevant ministries of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who were part of the substantial delegation, also spoke during the meeting. Proposals were made for further cooperation in the training of specialists in the peaceful use of nuclear energy, the exchange of experience in the effective management of water resources, as well as the organization of mutual visits of trade missions.

The Kazakh-Hungarian Forum on Water Resources Management was also held within the framework of the Strategic Council. The experts agreed to hold joint events of relevant ministries to solve urgent problems on water issues.

Minister Nurtleu also held bilateral meetings with the head of the Hungarian company "Globalia" Gábor Sági and the President of the investment fund "Equilibrium Capital" Peter Nagy, who operate on the site of the Astana International Financial Center (AIFC).

The heads of the companies spoke in detail about the implementation of investment projects in the field of renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan, the creation of trade and investment institutions at the AIFC site with the participation of Hungarian capital, IT and banking consulting, and further plans to expand economic cooperation.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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