12.09.2020, 15:25 24554

Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan flights resumed

The planes of the two countries’ airlines fly from Tashkent to Almaty and back, but so far only once a week.
First in six months passenger flight from Kazakhstan, Almaty, landed at Tashkent airport, Kazpravda.kz reports.

The planes of the two countries’ airlines fly from Tashkent to Almaty and back, but so far only once a week.

According to the representative of the Kazakh airline Ravshan Shakirov, for passengers’ safety in the Covid-19 pandemic conditions, upon arrival, they must present a PCR test to the border guards, which is valid for 72 hours.

A questionnaire on voluntary self-isolation for citizens of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan for 14 days must be filled out too.

Uzbekistan Government transferred Kazakhstan to the yellow zone from the red one. So the measures for passengers arriving from Kazakhstan will be slightly relaxed," - Shakirov said.

Source: kazpravda.kz

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