05.09.2024, 18:52 32326

Kazakhstan and Finland Expand Cooperation in the Field of Higher Education

Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Finland Azamat Abdraimov held a meeting with Rector of Aalto University llkka Niemelä, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the prospects for developing cooperation in the field of higher education, research and innovation. They also considered the possibilities of expanding cooperation in the framework of joint projects, including academic mobility of students and academic staff.

The parties confirmed their interest in intensifying contacts aimed at further developing and strengthening bilateral relations on the discussed topics.

Aalto University is one of the leading universities known for its focus on artificial intelligence research, innovation and close collaboration with industry. This interaction contributes to the development of entrepreneurship and the implementation of innovative ideas into real projects. The University creates a unique educational and research environment where science and art meet technology and business.

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