11.06.2024, 16:33 7891

Kazakhstan and Indonesia Aim to Promote Parliamentary Diplomacy

Ambassador of Kazakhstan Serzhan Abdykarimov held a meeting with Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly of Indonesia Bambang Soesatyo, during which further steps to strengthen parliamentary cooperation between the two countries were discussed, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

The diplomat congratulated the Speaker of the Assembly on the successful conduct of the electoral campaign in Indonesia, stressing the readiness of the Kazakh side to continue regular interparliamentary dialogue at various levels.

Speaking about the state, prospects and upcoming events in the framework of the development of bilateral political, trade and economic relations, the Ambassador emphasized the importance of organizing mutual visits of elected officials after the formation of the new composition of the Indonesian Parliament.

In turn, Bambang Soesatyo noted the similarity of the two countries in a number of parameters and the high level of development of public diplomacy with Kazakhstan. The Speaker of the Assembly confirmed his intention to further strengthen inter-parliamentary ties for the benefit of the two friendly countries and peoples.

The parties also discussed other issues of mutual interest.

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