27.06.2024, 12:58 30881

Kazakhstan and Russia Discussed Co-operation on Latin American Direction

Kazakhstan and Russia Discussed Co-operation on Latin American Direction
Images | Kazakh MFA
Consultations on Latin American issues at the level of department directors were held within the framework of the Plan of Measures on Cooperation between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation for 2023-2024, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

The Kazakh side was headed by Ruslan Urazalin, Director of the Department of America of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, and the Russian side was headed by Aleksander Shchetinin, Director of the Latin American Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

During the consultations, the sides shared their experience in the field of co-operation with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, exchanged views on a wide range of issues on the regional agenda, and agreed to continue the practice of regular consultations between the foreign ministries.

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