26.06.2024, 11:55 41486

Kazakhstan Develops Cooperation with the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean

Kazakhstan Develops Cooperation with the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean
Images | Kazakh MFA
Director of the Department of America of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ruslan Urazalin during his visit to the Russian Federation held meetings with the Ambassadors of the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Guatemala and Salvador, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

During the talks, the sides discussed issues on the bilateral agenda, including organization of bilateral visits, holding political consultations, expansion of the treaty-legal base, exchange of mutual support within the framework of multilateral structures and facilitation of visa regime with the countries of the region.

It was also agreed to further maintain permanent contacts to expand the areas of cooperation between Kazakhstan and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

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