08.01.2021, 13:53 85731

Kazakhstan encourages termination of conflict between Qatar and its neighbours

"We reaffirm our readiness to develop partnership with all the Middle East countries," reads the statement.
Kazakhstan encourages termination of conflict between Qatar and its neighbours, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

We welcome the "Al-Ula Declaration" signed at the 41st Summit of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf. We are confident that the normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Egypt and Qatar will serve to strengthening the fraternal unity of the peoples of these countries, and for the further prosperity of the entire region. This step is consistent with the idea of the process of Islamic reconciliation, initiated by Kazakhstan at the Istanbul Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in 2016. We reaffirm our readiness to develop partnership with all the Middle East countries," reads the statement.

Source: KazTAG

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