06.04.2021, 16:49 23662

Kazakhstan, Russia and UAE plan to launch satellites from the Gagarin Launchpad at Baikonyr

Kazakhstan, Russia and the United Arab Emirates are modernizing the Gagarin Launchpad, said Bagdat Musin, Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan, Russia and the United Arab Emirates are modernizing the Gagarin Launchpad, said Bagdat Musin, Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan.

There is an intention that has already been signed by the relevant agreements on the development of the Gagarin launch. This is the platform from which Yuri Gagarin took off in 1961. This complex needs modernization and will be modernized according to the plan of three countries: Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and the United Arab Emirates," reads the report.

Source: KazTAG

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