04.04.2023, 12:45 25396

Kazakhstan's Permanent Representative to UN elected Chair of UNDC annual session

Kazakhstan's Permanent Representative to UN elected Chair of UNDC annual session
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On the initiative of Kazakhstan, the candidacy of the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the UN Akan Rakhmetullin was nominated for the position of Chair of the 2023 session of the United Nations Disarmament Commission and has been elected by acclamation, the press office of the Kazakh MFA reported.
The UN Disarmament Commission is an advisory body subordinate to the General Assembly, and its function is to consider and make recommendations on various problems in the field of disarmament. The Commission meets annually for three weeks in April and conducts its work through plenary sessions and working groups.

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There is important and massive work ahead for the successful chairmanship of this important body, in which a representative of our country was elected for the first time in the history of independent Kazakhstan.

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At the opening of the session, High Representative for Disarmament Izumi Nakamitsu spoke on behalf of the UN Secretary General, who congratulated the representative of Kazakhstan on his election to such an important post and wished success and fruitful work of the session of the UN Disarmament Commission.
The work of the session will continue until April 21, following which the adoption of final documents and recommendations on issues of disarmament and strengthening international security is expected.

Source: kazinform 

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