21.06.2024, 09:52 41396

Kazakhstan’s Policies to Utilize Its Transit Potential Presented during ITF Day at OECD

Kazakhstan’s Policies to Utilize Its Transit Potential Presented during ITF Day at OECD
Images | Kazakh MFA
Permanent Delegate of Kazakhstan to International Organizations in Paris Askar Abdrakhmanov spoke at the International Transport Forum (ITF) Day at the headquarters of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

The event gathered Ambassadors of OECD member and partner states, senior management and competent experts of the two organizations engaged in discussions of the relevant issues of development of the global mobility system, the expansion of the "hard" and "soft" infrastructures of the international cargo traffic, measures for digitalization and decarbonization of transports, etc.

In his opening remarks, Secretary General of the ITF Kim Young Tae focused on multilateral efforts within the organization to generate relevant research and policy recommendations for the development of the global and regional transport networks.

OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann noted the close work of experts from the two organizations on elaborating approaches to planning the transport infrastructure investments, including the increasing use of artificial intelligence tools, and to strengthen the resilience of the transport infrastructure to natural disasters and other threats.

We are working together to help countries in Central and Southeast Asia to advance their decarbonization efforts as part of the Sustainable Infrastructure Program in Asia (SIPA), that governs the scale up the industry and energy infrastructure investments and shifting towards lower emissions and resilient development pathways aligned with the objectives of the Paris Agreement," Mathias Cormann said.

Speaking at the session "Connectivity in Times of Crisis", Ambassador Abdrakhmanov briefed the meeting attendees on the measures undertaken in Kazakhstan to further develop the transport infrastructure and the international freight transportation.

Astana’s efforts to develop transport cooperation with all the neighboring states and use the potential of both traditional and previously less developed routes were emphasized.

In particular, the beginning of the construction of second tracks on the "Dostyk - Moynty" railway section from the border of Kazakhstan and China, a container hub and dredging in the seaports of Aktau and Kuryk, a new "Darbaza - Maktaral" railway line with further access through Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Iran to the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean, the functioning of the eastern branches of the North-South corridor were highlighted.

Special attention paid to the work of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR), widely known as the Middle Corridor, and statistics on the growth of its key indicators. The recent creation by the interested governments of a joint venture designed to become a single operator of cargo transportation along the Middle Corridor and the TITR Coordination Platform with the participation of the states of Central Asia and the South Caucasus, and the European Commission were mentioned.

The current geopolitical situation has created new economic and logistical challenges for Kazakhstan and other countries in the region, and the answers to them lie in closer cooperation with our neighbors and international partners," the Kazakh diplomat said.

The sessions of the ITF Day at OECD featured engaging discussions and exchange of views and experiences in addressing relevant issues of the sustainable development of the transport industry at the global and regional levels, further strengthening the ITF’s role in elaborating efficient policy recommendations and producing high-quality international standards in this area, taking into account the measures for further decarbonization and digitalization of transport, strengthening and practical implementation of the international transit potential of the nations, especially the landlocked ones, etc.

The International Transport Forum (ITF) at the OECD is an intergovernmental organization with 69 member countries. It acts as a think tank for transport policy and organizes the annual summit of transport ministers. The ITF is the only global body that covers all transport modes. The ITF is administratively integrated with the OECD, yet politically autonomous. Kazakhstan has been a member of the ITF since 2017.

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