26.02.2024, 20:18 28761

Prospects for Strengthening Kazakh-Slovak cooperation Discussed at Foreign Ministry

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Roman Vassilenko and Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Kazakhstan Robert Kirnag compared notes on current issues and outlined plans for the year, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

During the conversation, the diplomats exchanged views on the prospects for the development of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Slovakia, with particular emphasis on expanding mutually beneficial trade and investment interactions, as well as enhancing cultural and humanitarian partnership.

Roman Vassilenko emphasized the importance of giving a new impetus to joint efforts within the Kazakh-Slovak intergovernmental commission on economic, scientific and technical cooperation. The 10th meeting of the Commission is expected to be held this year in Astana (Commission’s co-chairs: from the Kazakh side - Vice-Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Nurken Sharbiev, from the Slovak side - State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy Vladimír Šimoňák).

Concluding the meeting, the parties affirmed their commitment to sustaining regular communication to fully harness the potential of bilateral relations.

For reference: In 2023, the volume of mutual trade between Kazakhstan and Slovakia reached 138.9 million US dollars (+13.3%), (exports - $ 2.2 million, imports - $136.7 million). According to the Slovak statistics, the volume of trade turnover for 11 months of 2023 amounted to 174.9 million US dollars (+ 17%), exports from Kazakhstan to Slovakia - 77.4 million US dollars (+ 4.5%), exports from Slovakia to Kazakhstan - 97.5 million US dollars (+ 29.3%)

From 2005 to September 2023, Kazakhstan attracted 21.5 million US dollars in direct investment from Slovakia.

Currently, 31 companies with Slovak capital participation are registered in Kazakhstan.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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