24.07.2024, 16:34 55571

Prospects of Cooperation between Kazakhstan and Serbia Discussed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Roman Vassilenko and Ambassador of Serbia to Kazakhstan Vladimir Jovičić compared notes on the entire spectrum of issues on the bilateral agenda, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

The parties expressed satisfaction with the dynamic development of the political dialogue between the two countries and the active exchange of delegations. They also discussed cooperation prospects in various fields such as agriculture, the food industry, artificial intelligence, and IT.

Special attention was given to preparations for the third meeting of the Kazakh-Serbian Intergovernmental Commission on Trade-Economic and Scientific-Technical Cooperation, scheduled for September 2024 in Belgrade, as well as to expanding the legal framework (Deputy Prime Minister Serik Zhumangarin the IGC co-chairs from the Kazakh side, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Internal Affairs Ivica Dačić IGC co-chairs from the Serbian side).

Roman Vassilenko emphasized that the upcoming session of the intergovernmental commission will contribute to further expansion of trade and economic and investment ties, laying a solid foundation for the exchange of high-level visits.

According to the State Revenue Committee of Kazakhstan, the volume of bilateral trade in January-May 2024 amounted to $31.7 million.

In 2023 the trade volume amounted to $91.2 million (23.3% growth), including Kazakh exports - $11.4 million (+38.7%), imports from Serbia - $79.8 million (+21.3%).

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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