26.09.2024, 17:06 1476

Rights of People with Disabilities in the Context of Emergencies and Climate Change were Discussed at the Kazakh Foreign Ministry

Rights of People with Disabilities in the Context of Emergencies and Climate Change were Discussed at the Kazakh Foreign Ministry
Images | Kazakh MFA
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted an international forum on "The Rights of People with Disabilities in Emergencies and Climate Change in Kazakhstan", press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

The event was organised by the Association of Women with Disabilities "Shyrak" together with the Foreign Ministry of Kazakhstan and the Eurasia Foundation under the financial support of USAID.

The forum was addressed by Senator of Parliament Lyazzat Kaltayeva, Ombudsman for Rights of Socially Vulnerable Groups of Population Kenzhegul Seitzhan, Vice Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population Askarbek Yertayev, Ambassador-at-Large Alua Nadirkulova, advisors of ministers and akims on disability issues, representatives of governmental organizations, international organizations, as well as public associations from Central Asia.

During the event, participants discussed the rights and needs of people with disabilities in emergencies caused by climate change, and shared experience and best practices in emergency response to the needs of people with disabilities.

The outcome of the event was the development of specific recommendations for the state authorities of Kazakhstan to improve legislation and policy in this field.

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