10.06.2024, 12:21 51216

Discussion of the strategy of industrial cooperation of the EAEU member states until 2030

The Eurasian Economic Commission is discussing the draft of the main directions of industrial cooperation of the Eurasian Economic Union member states until 2030, press service of the Ministry of Trade and Integration reports

Recall that the industrial policy within the EAEU is formed by the member states independently, with the main directions of industrial cooperation approved by the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council for a 5-year period.

The Main Directions of Industrial Cooperation is a medium-term strategic document that defines the goals, objectives, directions and instruments of such cooperation, as well as priority economic activities for interaction between the EAEU countries in the industries.

In order to form the main directions for the period up to 2030, the industrial block of the Commission together with the experts of the EAEU member states has developed a draft of the relevant document.

Based on the results of the discussion, the following tasks were identified as priorities: stimulating the advanced growth of industrial production in the member states by using the potential of the EAEU market, joining efforts to localize joint production in the territories of the member states, strengthening cooperation, developing mechanisms to support the implementation of cooperation projects in the industrial sector, etc.

A corresponding action plan for the implementation of the main directions in the industrial sphere, taking into account the position of the Kazakhstani side, has also been formed.

The implementation of this document will allow to maintain a positive rate of development of industrial cooperation of the EAEU member states and master the latest innovative technologies, which in turn will increase the growth of the economy and human capital of the EAEU countries, including Kazakhstan.

It is important to note that cooperation in the field of industrial cooperation of the EAEU member states is a priority area. Currently, a sufficient number of tools and mechanisms have been formed for its further development.

For example, this year a mechanism of financial assistance will be launched for the implementation by EAEU member states of joint cooperation projects in industries at the expense of the EAEU budget.

This instrument will allow domestic companies to implement significant joint projects, increase the output of manufactured products and ensure the creation of additional jobs by subsidizing the interest rate on loans and credits, which in general will have a positive impact on the development of Kazakhstan's industry and the economy as a whole.

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