20.11.2022, 09:22 12751

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev casts his vote in presidential election

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev casts his vote in presidential election
Images | akorda.kz
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev cast his vote in the ongoing presidential election at ballot station No58 located at the Palace of Schoolchildren in Astana, Kazinform reports.
According to Chairperson of the ballot station Kymbat Mukanova, 2,627 voters have been registered here.

Let me congratulate you all on this important historical day. Our country actively votes for its bright future. I believe everything will be fine," said Tokayev after voting and added that the nation faces large-scale goals and objectives today.

Tokayev’s candidacy was nominated by the People’s Coalition, some political parties and republican public associations.
The Central Election Commission registered his candidacy on October 12.

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