11.11.2022, 13:39 22696

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev proposes to establish OTS Center of Digitalization

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev proposes to establish OTS Center of Digitalization
Images | mobillegends.net
President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev proposed to establish the Center of Digitalization of the Organization of Turkic States, Kazinform reports.
Taking the floor at the OTS Summit in Samarkand, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev invited the leaders of the Turkic states to actively cooperate in IT sector. "Amid the current geopolitical conditions, the countries more and more isolate technologically from each other. For this reason, we should focus on the latest developments of the Turkic countries in IT sector, which will contribute to our digital development," said the Kazakh President.
He reminded of the memorandum of interaction signed by the Turkic states’ IT hubs at the recent Astana Digital Bridge Forum.

In this regard, I propose to establish the Center of Digitalization of the Organization of Turkic States on the ground of Astana Hub Technological Park. This structure will enable us to develop digital solutions for trade, transport, water resources management, IT security and other important sectors. To efficiently implement this initiative, I propose to establish the Turkic States Venture Fund which will attract investments in important startup projects," said the President.


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